Why to choose Verificare OMR Software for OMR Based Exams?

An examination is crucial for a student’s academic performance. In the current scenario, there was a huge gap between classroom teaching and learning. Most of the examinations have become virtual. Although, evaluating the skills of the student has become difficult for the educators in the COVID Pandemic situation. Although, many government institutes are conducting OMR based examinations, which is increasing the demand for OMR software in the market. After realizing the flourishing demand of the OMR-based examination, CBSE introduced a guideline for conducting OMR based exams, which was a new concept in schools. OMR software is easy to use and it is making lives easier for educators. 

Laptop displaying Verificare OMR Software

OMR sheet scanner is transforming the way of printing, scanning, and evaluating OMR sheets. It is a shift in gathering information and storing it in a structured format. Moreover, it comes with many benefits like easy report generation, accuracy, and eliminating operational costs. Not only the exams, it can be used for surveys, questionnaires, and polls also.

Many organizations are conducting OMR-based exams for hiring employees. Moreover, educators can store data in the cloud and use it for further analysis. OMR software can do auto-grading and saves your time from manual checking. 

Benefits of Verificare OMR software 

Verificare as OMR software is a trusted tool for designing and printing OMR sheets. It is a tested product for gathering data for evaluation. It also guarantees 100% accuracy, transparency, and efficiency of scanning a thousand sheets at a time. Now, educators can get rid of the bulky scanners and use Verificare effectively. Also, there are numerous templates, you can choose your template and design sheet accordingly. Also, you don’t need to spend much on expensive printers and scanners. Some of the benefits of the Verificare are as follows: 

SEE ALSO:  Impact Of OMR Based Exam On The Education Industry in 2021

✅Design your sheet: You can design a sheet with the inbuilt OMR designing tool. 

✅Reduces paper size: There is no dependency on any specific paper. You can design a sheet on any paper. 

✅Use a simple scanner: You can use any flatbed printer or scanner for printing and design sheets. 

✅Countless number of sets: You can print an endless number of sets of OMR sheets with an OMR sheet scanner. 

✅Cropping of the desired area: You can crop the desired area from the OMR sheet. 

Hence, it is clear that the OMR sheet scanner is an exceptional technology for scanning and printing OMR sheets in less time. Many leading institutes and corporations are relying on this technology, it is an automated process, and it is saving time. Also, there are negligible chances of errors in this process.